Small Pools in Small Backyards

Spacious backyards boast of a larger outdoor space, patios, landscape features, king sized swimming pools and more so. However, this does not mean that small backyards cannot boast of a swimming pool alongside a small patio space or deck. Of course, the pool size may be small, but it never fails to beautify the space and promise fun filled times with family and friends.

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So, if you have a small backyard, shun the doubts and hire expert pool construction companies for the best swimming pool design for a small backyard space. In fact, a small backyard space can flourish with the addition of the perfect swimming pool design.

Small Pool Features

So, here’s everything associated with the installation of the best swimming pool design for a small backyard.

Material: When considering the material to be used for the swimming pool, it is important to consider the size of the backyard. Concrete, Vinyl and fiberglass pools are popular and possess their own set of pros and cons. However, fiberglass pools are mostly unavailable in small sizes. So, although they are durable and low maintenance, they may not fit in a small backyard space. On the other hand, concrete and vinyl liner pools are available and can be customized in the shape and size of your choice. What’s more, swimming pools made from concrete are durable and increase the property value. Vinyl liner pools have the benefit of low maintenance compared to concrete.

Shape: The shape and design of the pool in a small backyard depends upon the backyard space you intend to allot for the pool. If you want a deck or patio space with four chairs alongside the pool, then a rectangular pool occupying most of the space would be inappropriate. Conversely, a kidney shaped pool would not only have enough water space, but also accommodate a few chairs on the sides. Free form pools matching the space and size of the backyard are ideal. You then have space for other landscaping features like patios etc.

touch of art landscape

Features: All swimming pool features that can be installed in large pools can be installed in smaller pools. Pool heaters, lights and others can be easily accommodated in small pools too.

Maintenance Needs: Without doubt, fiberglass pools require least maintenance at a seasonal and longer term level. However, as they have size restrictions, installing them in a small backyard is challenging.

Among concrete and vinyl liner pools, vinyl liner pools are easier to maintain. On a seasonal basis, they are easier to maintain, but the liner requires replacement every eight to eleven years. Then, there are the concrete pools, which are highly durable. However, they are difficult to maintain on a seasonal and long term basis.

Other factors that affect maintenance needs are the type of pool, presence of an automatic cleaning system and more so.

On the whole, smaller pools are easier to maintain compared to large pools.

So, just make the right choice and boast of a good swimming pool design in your limited backyard space too. Pool construction companies can help you in this.

What All to Consider Before Constructing a Swimming Pool?

The most important phase in constructing a swimming pool is the preparation period and it takes quite a bit of brainstorming. Swimming pool builders in Los Angeles are there to help you out with the design, ideas and estimates, but it is ultimately your final decision to zero in with what you want.

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These are the few questions you need to ask and answer yourself before the final yes.

  1. Why do you need a pool at the first place?

Be sure of the purpose and urgency of the pool.

  1. Who are going to use the pool?

Ensure the age group and headcount.

  1. Is your yard tested and confirmed for pool construction?

Prior soil tests to ensure the ground factors.

  1. Location of the pool in your backyard?

Check the zoning and building laws before construction.

  1. Size, shape and style?

The existing architecture and landscape must complement.

  1. Additional backyard amenities and facilities?

Accommodate future plans.

  1. Assurance of easy maintenance of the pool?

Make your pool energy-efficient.

  1. Selection of builder?

Research and choose.

If you are looking for a luxury swimming pool builder in Los Angeles, Touch of Art Landscape can be the perfect choice. Contact urn your existing backyard into a backyard escape.

Building the Home and Pool Side by Side

One among the many celebrated occasions of a lifetime is to buy and move into your own home. So, you would certainly not want any stone left unturned in your dream home.


Unfinished or incomplete work often leaves a bad taste in the mouth. However, some homeowners often leave the swimming pool construction by pool construction companies, Los Angeles to a later date. In a bid to move in quickly and avoid damage to the new pool, they postpone the pool construction to a later date.

Benefits of Building Simultaneously

However, there is more than one benefit of constructing the pool while building the home.

Here’s a list of these.

  • You need not wait longer to enjoy the swimming pool, which is an essential part of your dream home.
  • The pool location can be determined along with the design of the home. What’s more, the pipeline and electric lines can be created accordingly.
  • Access to the pool is limited to the family (not workers) after the completion of home construction.
  • Pool excavation is easier when done simultaneously with home construction.
  • The uninvited and uncontrollable dirt and dust that come along with pool construction will not get a chance to disrupt the beauty and elegance of your new home.
  • For flawless and expert finishing, it is better to lay down pipes etc during the construction of the house. Laying them down later often leads to unfinished ends.
  • Finally, a swimming pool constructed simultaneously with the house is designed and styled in tune with the elements of the house and landscape.

So, what are you waiting for? Shrug your apprehensions and build the pool simultaneously. For; the best pool construction companies will ensure saving the pool from any sort of damage that could happen while building the house.

For further details, contact them at

Building the Home and Pool Side by Side



One among the many celebrated occasions of a lifetime is to buy and move into your own home. So, you would certainly not want any stone left unturned in your dream home.

Unfinished or incomplete work often leaves a bad taste in the mouth. However, some homeowners often leave the swimming pool construction by pool construction companies, Los Angeles to a later date. In a bid to move in quickly and avoid damage to the new pool, they postpone the pool construction to a later date.

Benefits of Building Simultaneously

However, there is more than one benefit of constructing the pool while building the home.

Here’s a list of these.

  • You need not wait longer to enjoy the swimming pool, which is an essential part of your dream home.
  • The pool location can be determined along with the design of the home. What’s more, the pipeline and electric lines can be created accordingly.
  • Access to the pool is limited to the family (not workers) after the completion of home construction.
  • Pool excavation is easier when done simultaneously with home construction.
  • The uninvited and uncontrollable dirt and dust that come along with pool construction will not get a chance to disrupt the beauty and elegance of your new home.
  • For flawless and expert finishing, it is better to lay down pipes etc during the construction of the house. Laying them down later often leads to unfinished ends.
  • Finally, a swimming pool constructed simultaneously with the house is designed and styled in tune with the elements of the house and landscape.

So, what are you waiting for? Shrug your apprehensions and build the pool simultaneously. For; the best pool construction companies will ensure saving the pool from any sort of damage that could happen while building the house.  

Sprucing Up The Pool With The Right Hands.

pool renovation in LA

With time and use, the swimming pool in your backyard may develop cracks, fade away, require repairs or just require a change for enhanced appeal and functionality. Remodeling with professional swimming pool contractors, Los Angeles can serve all of any of these purposes.

However, the contractor you choose can make or break the remodeling project. It is therefore, important to ensure that the contractor you hire is capable of renovating the pool within the stipulated time and budget.

Choosing the Remodeling Contractor

Here are some tips to make your assurances and steer away from costly mistakes.

  • Los Angeles has a large list of swimming pool contractors, all claiming to be the best. So, do your homework before making a hasty choice. Create a list through internet research. But, beware of creating a short list from the first few, as you may be skipping the good ones.
  • Ask friends, family and acquaintances for references and add the same to the list.
  • Cut the long list short by eliminating the ones with negative reviews.
  • Choose a criteria like experience, years in business, qualifications, licenses etc and cut the list to a maximum of 10.
  • Once you have the list of experts, ask them for pictures of their work, their estimate for pool remodeling and client references. Base your decision on these.

Sounds overwhelming and time consuming?  Yes, it is.

However, shortening this process will only result in enhanced costs and additional time required to resolve the issues arising due to the contractor’s lack of knowledge and expertise.

So, avoid cutting the corners and follow the aforementioned tips to find the right swimming pool contractor to remodel the old swimming pool into a custom pool of your choice.

For further details, contact the contractors at

Top Reasons For Pool Remodeling by Swimming Pool Contractor


Swimming pools are one of the preeminent ways to both spice up your backyard as well as provide your family a place where you can relax and mingle. Moreover, it plays an important role to escalate the curb appeal of your house. If your pool is not in tune with the look of your house, refurbish it with the professionals.

There are several benefits of remodeling your pool including:

  • While you compare replacement to renovation, there is no doubt that renovation is going to be more affordable than replacement.
  • Installing a new pool is always expensive. With the renovation, you are able to increase the total lifespan.
  • If you want to upgrade your pool, a renovation will be the right options for you. You can also enhance the interior of the pool with improved liners, steps in and out and a lot more thing.
  • Pool renovation is a popular option for many. With a small investment, you can have the benefits of a new pool.

To renovate your pool, hire the swimming pool contractors in Los Angeles. They will renovate your pool based on your needs.

Touch of Art Construction Inc offers a wide array of services including pool construction, pool renovation, and many more. All of their professionals are experienced in this field and offer unparalleled services at affordable services. To get the services from them or to learn more about them, call them at 818-726-0613 or check them at

Before Hiring Swimming Pool Contractor – Ask the Right Question


Building a swimming pool is a large and expensive project. This is why homeowners ask countless questions before choosing the right swimming pool contractors, Los Angeles. One of these is asking for references and making their assurance by peeping into the contractor’s previous works.

Asking the Right Questions

However, despite asking the right questions and following appropriate steps to choose the right contractor, swimming pool projects often turn into nightmares. Moreover, as you mostly get only one opportunity to build a pool of your dreams, the project turns into a nightmare.

To avoid falling into such pitfalls, here’s the right way to ask swimming pool contractors for references.

Learning from the References

Ask the contractor for the number of clients handled by them. Some of them would just round off the figure to sound big and famous. Eleven to twelve quickly turns into twenty. To ensure that the figures are relevant, ask them for the contact details of the references. The genuine ones will never hesitate from providing the details. The others may mostly hand over a list of a few, but not all. The reason they often give for not giving details is the client’s request to remain hidden.

However, experienced contractors say that genuine clients never refrain from being referred to other clients, unless they are celebrities and would not want to be disturbed. So, contractors saying anything like this are mostly not genuine.

So, follow these steps to reach out to genuine references and then enquire about the contractors work, price and other services. Hire the contractor only when you are completely convinced.

For further details, contact them at

Creating a Safe Haven for Kids.



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Undoubtedly, a well designed landscape adds value to the property while providing the much needed aesthetic appeal. However, another important and fun-filled experience of the landscape is watching the tiny playful members of your family playing in the sand and lawn without the fear of being hurt. So, creating an aesthetic appealing landscape is one, and ensuring safety for the kids is another.

Appealing, yet safe

However, the good news is that experienced landscape contractors, Los Angeles are capable of encompassing both features in your landscape.

Here are some tips to ensure safety in the landscape.

  • Demarcate a play area for the kids. Moreover, equip the kids with safety lessons. These include not going near the pool without adults, digging in the sand pit, but not the flower bed etc.
  • Ensure the creation of a safe backyard space free form hanging rails, bolts and other hazardous objects. Exercise diligence in keeping the lawn and garden equipment away from the little ones limits.
  • It is not enough to ensure safety in the kid’s play area. The entire landscape, especially where you spend time with your family must be safe.

For instance: Fencing the pool is essential. Skid-proof pavers and stones must be used to avoid the terrible slips and falls. The seating space should not be at a height where safety would be a concern for the Jumping Jacks and Running Toms.

  • Installing a bench for supervision is ideal. However, this can be installed in a space that oversees the kid’s playing area.

A safe and kid friendly landscape assures you of happy times with kids in the landscape.

So, call a reputed landscape contractor to start off with the creation of a safe, yet appealing landscape in the outdoor space.

For further details, contact them at

Remodeling Tips for Swimming Pools




Swimming pools in the backyard not only add visual appeal to the space, but also have the amazing ability to cool you down or have fun time with family and friends.

Remodeling the Old Swimming Pool

However, the swimming pool that has served you loyally over the years is now dull, outdated and not as appealing as it used to be. Well, professional pool construction companies like Touch of Art Landscape Design can remodel the pool to suit your needs and expectations. Whether it’s the installation of the latest features, installing new, visually appealing lights or re-tiling the pool, Touch of Art Landscape Design can do it all for you. What’s more, they do remodeling in prices that match your pocket size.

Tips for Remodeling

There’s no one-size-fit-all remodeling project suitable for swimming pools. Here are some remodeling tips to bring your old swimming pool back to life.

  • Changing the pool’s interior changes the overall look of the pool and gives it an all-new visual appeal. For appealing interiors, you can use colorful quartz or do a stone finish.
  • With time, the tiles in the pool tend to appear dull and faded. Cleaning or replacing can give a new appearance.
  • Automatic water levelers etc can be added to the outdated swimming pool. It makes swimming pool maintenance easy and convenient.
  • Adding additional features like a slide not only make pool time fun and exciting, but also give it a new appearance.
  • You can upgrade the pool by adding upgraded equipment like energy efficient heaters, pumps etc.
  • You could also spruce up the existing pool by changing the lighting system, adding a heated spa and more so. The experts at Touch of Art Landscape Design can suggest the right additions for your pool.



3 Advantages of Having a Swimming Pool.

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Having a backyard is not enough if it is not complemented by a swimming pool. It not only completes the look but also enhances the curb appeal of your abode. Now, people all over the world are very conscious about their health and are looking for strategies with which they can embrace a healthier life.

If it is the case with you, this is the time to consider installing a swimming pool in the free space of your backyard. Before you the Swimming pool contractors in Los Angeles, have a look at the reasons for which you will install the pool:

Anxiety reduction

Unaddressed anxiety can have a negative impact on your health. Moreover, excess stress can lead to depression, insomnia as well as social isolation.  Swimming pool plays an important role to reduce your anxiety and stress. By promoting a calm feeling, it unwinds your body and mind.

A Fun way to exercise

Along with helping individuals reduce their level of anxiety, a pool provides you with a fun way to exercise. This benefit is incredibly important for failing to exercise regularly can have a wide range of negative consequences. On the other hand, regular exercise brings immense health benefits.

Wellness benefits

Though indoor exercise is great, engaging yourself in physical activity outdoor can provide you with a wide range of unique benefits.

As you are now familiar with the advantages of having a swimming pool, you might be in search of a professional contractor who can help you with this task. Touch of Art Construction Inc is the premier destination for the ones who want to install a pool in outer space. To get their services, call at 818-726-0613 or visit their website