5 Tips on Buying the Right Materials for Landscape Design


landscape design LA

Homeowners with ample space choose to add to the appeal through professional landscape contractors. However, they are often in a dilemma about purchasing the landscape materials. Landscape materials can make or break the appearance of the landscape. Moreover, the materials are costlier than the labor cost. So, buying it diligently affects the homeowner’s pocket significantly.

Tips to Buy Pocket Friendly Material

Here are some tips to buy them right.

  • Firstly, put the landscape plan on paper. With a plan in place, you will know exactly what to buy and how much. This controls the purchase of extra material and wastage. A good idea is to take the advice of reputed landscape contractors, who know exactly what to buy and how much.
  • Purchasing the materials on the basis of price not only jeopardizes the project, but also turns costlier due to regular repairs, maintenance and re-purchasing.
  • You might be tempted to buy landscaping materials from a regular warehouse. However, the tip is to buy from an established warehouse. Thanks to their experience, they understand your landscaping needs and provide free advice on materials too.
  • Trees are in high demand at the onset of winter. Therefore, they are often expensive and in short supply at these times. It is therefore; better to buy the trees at the close of winter to get exactly what you want at cost-efficient prices.
  • The best way to purchase landscape materials is through the landscape contractor. They not only possess the experience to estimate the need and quality, but can also get the best prices; thanks to their business contacts.

Experienced and reputed landscape contractors are always ready to help. Buying it yourself in a bid to save is often a costly mistake. So, contact the experts.

For further details, contact them at www.touchofartlandscape.com

Before Hiring Swimming Pool Contractor – Ask the Right Question


Building a swimming pool is a large and expensive project. This is why homeowners ask countless questions before choosing the right swimming pool contractors, Los Angeles. One of these is asking for references and making their assurance by peeping into the contractor’s previous works.

Asking the Right Questions

However, despite asking the right questions and following appropriate steps to choose the right contractor, swimming pool projects often turn into nightmares. Moreover, as you mostly get only one opportunity to build a pool of your dreams, the project turns into a nightmare.

To avoid falling into such pitfalls, here’s the right way to ask swimming pool contractors for references.

Learning from the References

Ask the contractor for the number of clients handled by them. Some of them would just round off the figure to sound big and famous. Eleven to twelve quickly turns into twenty. To ensure that the figures are relevant, ask them for the contact details of the references. The genuine ones will never hesitate from providing the details. The others may mostly hand over a list of a few, but not all. The reason they often give for not giving details is the client’s request to remain hidden.

However, experienced contractors say that genuine clients never refrain from being referred to other clients, unless they are celebrities and would not want to be disturbed. So, contractors saying anything like this are mostly not genuine.

So, follow these steps to reach out to genuine references and then enquire about the contractors work, price and other services. Hire the contractor only when you are completely convinced.

For further details, contact them at www.touchofartlandscape.com

9 Reasons Why Landscaping is Important


A well-landscaped yard not only complements but also completes your home. Investing in landscaping accessories is a luxury for some but for others, it is part of their hobby. Aside from increasing the aesthetic appeal, it does something more.

Before you hire landscape contractors in Los Angeles, have a look at the mentioned things to understand the value of landscaping:

  1. Preserve nature
  2. Conserve natural resources
  3. Secure inhabitants
  4. Create a setting for living
  5. Makes a more comfortable environment
  6. Preserves the natural feel
  7. Achieves outdoor function
  8. Visual appeal
  9. Creates coherence with nature

As now, you are familiar with the importance of having a landscape, the next thing that you want to do is to hire contractors who have experience and expertise in this field. With this, you can even transform your dull yard into something amazing.

There are several agencies that claim to offer unmatchable services. Consider things like certification, types of services, review of the previous customers and fee before choosing a professional or an agency. Touch of Art Construction Inc is a familiar name in this field. They offer a wide array of services and landscaping is one among them. To get their services or to learn more, call them at 818-726-0613 or visit their website

Inviting Professionals for Building a Pool

swimming pool design


Who would not want to install a swimming pool in their back or front yard? Most homeowners with an outdoor space would. With a swimming pool in the house, you would not have to look for a resort to take a dip. You need not travel outdoors for fun times with family and friends. A swimming pool is indeed a luxurious addition to the house. Undoubtedly, luxuries cost. They are capable of burning holes in your pocket. This is the reason why many homeowners decide to do a DIY job and build the swimming pool without swimming pool contractors, Los Angeles.

The Need for Contractors

However, here’s a word of caution. The DIY way mostly burns larger holes in the pockets. Moreover, it is unsafe, challenging and may demand repairs more often than otherwise. So, shrug the idea of a DIY job and invite reputed swimming pool contractors to build the pool of your dreams in the yard.

There is more than one benefit of hiring a pro.

  • You just cannot dig a pool in the space you like. Building permits and ordinances must be followed while building the pool. Contractors are well versed in these.
  • They come with heavy machinery and the knowledge to operate it safely.
  • They can design unique custom pools matching your space, expectations and requirements.
  • DIY building mostly takes double time and money.
  • An experienced contractor possesses the experience to deal with all kinds of issues related to building a swimming pool.
  • Contractors assure smooth movement of the project.
  • They guarantee clean and quick construction of the pool.

Costly mistakes due to lack of knowledge may turn your swimming pool project into a month long fiasco and drained bank accounts. It is therefore, advisable to hire pros, which have the right hands for the right job.

Creating a Safe Haven for Kids.



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Undoubtedly, a well designed landscape adds value to the property while providing the much needed aesthetic appeal. However, another important and fun-filled experience of the landscape is watching the tiny playful members of your family playing in the sand and lawn without the fear of being hurt. So, creating an aesthetic appealing landscape is one, and ensuring safety for the kids is another.

Appealing, yet safe

However, the good news is that experienced landscape contractors, Los Angeles are capable of encompassing both features in your landscape.

Here are some tips to ensure safety in the landscape.

  • Demarcate a play area for the kids. Moreover, equip the kids with safety lessons. These include not going near the pool without adults, digging in the sand pit, but not the flower bed etc.
  • Ensure the creation of a safe backyard space free form hanging rails, bolts and other hazardous objects. Exercise diligence in keeping the lawn and garden equipment away from the little ones limits.
  • It is not enough to ensure safety in the kid’s play area. The entire landscape, especially where you spend time with your family must be safe.

For instance: Fencing the pool is essential. Skid-proof pavers and stones must be used to avoid the terrible slips and falls. The seating space should not be at a height where safety would be a concern for the Jumping Jacks and Running Toms.

  • Installing a bench for supervision is ideal. However, this can be installed in a space that oversees the kid’s playing area.

A safe and kid friendly landscape assures you of happy times with kids in the landscape.

So, call a reputed landscape contractor to start off with the creation of a safe, yet appealing landscape in the outdoor space.

For further details, contact them at www.touchofartlandscape.com